Liechtenstein: A young lady under the care of Switzerland. She’s very clever. She has a very humble and adult personality, but she will always clearly state her views. She’s pretty high-tech.
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upd. 21.02.10
Austria (Roderich Edelstein):
A “young master” that likes music and cake. He seems showy but he’s a frugal person.
Austria’s glasses are kind of like his music. If you take them off, he seems pretty simple.
The one hair that sticks out is Mariazell, so it changes sometimes.
His personality is, for better or worse, very “young master”-ish, so his expression doesn’t change much.
When he stood on top of the Holy Roman Empire, he was pretty aloof at first, but as the years went by one by one he gently went in a strange direction, got married too much and was dragged into many burdens, being kicked out and taken in and being a generally busy person.
He’s hopeless when it comes to direction.