блин...чё за огромный шрифт на дайрах а не уже норм...глюк
Везде глюк, кирилицу глючит...
Вчера думала умру, температура вообще не спадала...
Сегодня пойду в больницу. Убью сразу двух зайцев: снимут гипс и заодно насчёт простуды/ангины/или чего-то там у меня.
Саммари к 14 эпизоду Code GeassSuspicious about whether Shirley got to know (his) secret, Lelouch follows her back. Although (he) asks CC to reveal what happened (about the aftermath of the ep 13. battle), she doesn't have the answer. Around this time, Shirley encounters enigmatic Mao in Narita. Mao is a man capable of reading thoughts with the power of his Geass. Shirley chooses death in order to compensate for a certain crime; Mao actually is pulling the strings. C.C confronts the man she once gave the power of Geass to, and Lelouch decides on separation with Shirley, who knows the truth.